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Von Gut zu Großartig: Wie Sie auf Facebook, Instagram und Pinterest Posts erstellen, die auffallen

"From Good to Great: How to Create Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest Posts That Stand Out"


User Demographics: Broad audience with increasing average age. Younger users are migrating to other platforms. Post Formats: A mix of videos, link posts, and images is most effective. Videos encourage interactions, while link posts drive traffic to your website. Content and Tone: Keep the tone casual, direct, and humorous. Address users personally, evoke emotions, keep text short, and avoid clickbaiting. Emojis can increase interaction but should be used wisely. Timing: Optimal posting times are between 7 and 9 a.m. Avoid Over-promotion: Focus on providing value rather than overt selling.


User Demographics: Younger audience than Facebook, ideal for visually oriented industries like fashion, travel, etc. Post Formats: Videos, carousel posts, and images are effective, with stories being particularly important. Content Quality: High-quality images and videos are crucial. Authenticity matters, especially with user-generated content. Captions: Be direct and engaging. Emojis and call-to-actions are useful. Timing: Early morning hours (5-9 a.m.) and evening (7-10 p.m.) are the best times to post. Hashtags: Their usage varies; test to find out what works for your audience.


User Demographics: Diverse user base, particularly effective for online shopping traffic. Post Formats: Regular pins, video pins, story pins, and carousel pins are all effective. Content Strategy: Embed products in lifestyle images, focus on inspirational content. Timing: Midday (11 a.m. to 2 p.m.) is optimal for posting. Hashtags: Can increase visibility, but work best with newer pins.

General tips for all platforms:

Constant Analysis: Regularly review the performance of your posts to adjust your strategy. Content Mix: Vary your content to captivate your audience. Visual Consistency: Maintain a consistent aesthetic in your posts. Community Engagement: Actively engage with your audience to build a community.